CSE- Data Science

Welcome to the department of Data Science Moradabad Institute of Technology MORADABAD, is a dynamic and innovative hub of learning in the ever-evolving fields of data science. With a commitment to excellence, our department has established itself as a leading centre of academic and technological advancement.   Our department is dedicated to empowering students with a deep understanding of data science. Data Science have enabled the world community to progress at the supersonic velocity and contributed immensely in the growth of economy. Understanding and using computers, software’s and internet is part of necessary skill set for an educated person in the 21st century.

 A variety of computing facilities are available for our faculty’s member, students and staff. We maintain very conducive, feel-at-home & open culture in the premises, because we believe in progressive unfoldment of the students towards becoming perfect IT professionals. To achieve this goal apart from regular studies, we cultivate the virtues of discipline, high moral values, competitiveness and team spirit in our students which leads to the overall personality development of the students.

 Departments consist of well-equipped laboratories for separate computing platforms, enabling the students to work with different cutting edges and hot cake technologies. Enough laboratory time is made available to the students for maximum upliftment of their software and design skills.

 Our main strength is well qualified, experienced and dedicated team, who are very enthusiastic in learning new technologies and updating their skill sets. Faculty members are always ready to guide students apart from regular teaching hours to solve their problems related to curriculum as well as personal.