CSE- Internet of Things



From the Desk of HOD:

Our Computer Science & Engineering programme has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) four times which shows academy strength of department. The department is dedicated to provide the best education and practical facilities to its students. A variety of computing facilities are available for our faculty members, students and staff. We maintain a very conducive, feel at home and open culture in the premises, because we believe in the progressive enfoldment of the students towards becoming perfect IT professionals. To achieve this goal apart from regular studies, we cultivate the virtues of discipline, high moral values, competitiveness and team spirit in our students which lead to the overall personality development of the students. Departments consist of well equipped laboratories for separate computing platform, enabling the students to work with different cutting edge and hot cake technologies. Abundant laboratory time is made available in the labs for the students to up-lift their software and design skills.

Dr. Manish Gupta
Deptt. of CSE